Create pipe diameter table water cad
Create pipe diameter table water cad

In this the focus was on the level of connection and the volume of water consumption as these are highly related to the issue of water loss. 3) Research Analysis Water supply status of the town was first evaluated before analyzing the water loss. On the other hand, before exporting CAD format to water CAD v6.5. 2) Town Water Network Water network of the town with their attributes like size and material type of transmission mains and distribution lines, junctions, reservoirs, pumps and valves locations and elevations are available. The map which describes the location of the study area shown in figure below.ġ) Primary and Secondary Data Primary data collected in the from interviews with the management officials and experts of Adama town water supply and sanitation enterprise, whereas secondary data such as water production, consumption and town water network were collected. Adama is one of the fast growing towns in the region and has about 20. Geographically, it is located at 8☂7’N to 8☃6’N and 39☁2’E to 39☂0’E. The town is about 100km to south east of Addis Ababa. Methodology and Materials Adama is located in East Shoa Zone of Oromia National Regional State. The main objective of this research is to assess water supply situation and develop efficient hydraulic network model of water distribution system for Adama town. But, the coverage of the service in the country still lags. In Ethiopia, both governmental and non-governmental development agents have been involved in order to enhance the coverage of potable water supply in different parts of the country. As populations grew, the challenge to meet user demands also increased. In the most of developing countries to meet water supply with increasing demand, water suppliers have relied heavily on supply management, focusing on expansion of systems which is problematic and costly as water becomes scarce. In many developing countries on one hand, the level of water supply coverage is very low as water demand is increasing while compared to the developed countries. The actual water supply coverage in towns of developing countries in general and African towns in particular is very low while compared to the demand. Still so many people both in rural and urban areas are suffering with the provision of adequate potable water supply and sanitation. Water supply system is one of the infrastructures, where developing countries are working hard to expand.

create pipe diameter table water cad

And it is becoming the adverse effect on urban development and public health. The existing situation of water supply system in Adama and other of the different developing countries, not meet the demand.

create pipe diameter table water cad

Water shortage and frequent service interruption is not only as a consequence of the shortfall between demand and supply but also as result of unidentified leakage and complicated network systems. It is a challenging task for the water supply board to operate the system to deliver drinking water of required quantity and quality. An urban water distribution pipe network consists of huge capacity of pumps, pipes, valves, reservoirs and tanks. The supply of water is not able to meet the demand due to several reasons like shortage of source water, high amount of leakage, poor maintenance of the system etc. Water resources are limited and this requires better management of water resources and supply. Increase in population is causing an ever increasing demand on water supply system. Introduction Water is a precious natural resource and management of water is a challenging task in developing countries.

create pipe diameter table water cad

In this process of modeling and analysis the tools such as Microsoft excel and Water CAD v6.5 was used.ġ. Areas with high pressures in the existing system have been identified and efficient hydraulic network model was provided. In the modeling, the system has been modified using the design criteria of velocity and pressure. Also average per capital consumption is 34.5 l/c/d, whereas the average of water connection per family was 0.527 (52.7%) connection per family. In the town, the distribution of mode of services house connection, yard connection and public tap were 5%, 60% and 35% respectively. Also, the prevalence of water connection per family, per capital consumption and the level of mode of services have been used in assessment of water supply coverage. In this study, data of Water production and consumption, the pressure zones or topography and customers’ meter reading (water billed) approaches was used to evaluate the daily consumption and production. The aims of this research is to assess the situation of the urban water supply and build hydraulic network model with all possible scenario used to meet water supply with demand.

Create pipe diameter table water cad